

Certificate in Influential Leadership


Can I get a refund?

A full refund is available if registrant cancels more than ten business days before the start of the first session. A refund of 80% of the registration cost is available if registrant cancels less than ten business days before or within five business days after the first session. Request for refund should be made in writing to bridgecenter@messiah.edu.

Can I still earn the certificate if I miss a session?

Participants can miss up to one session and still earn the certificate. Every effort should be made to attend all six sessions. Sessions will not be recorded.

Who is this certificate program designed for?

This certificate series is designed for mid-level leaders, from a variety of backgrounds, industries and types of businesses, who want to enhance their effectiveness as a leader. Participants typically have at least 7-10 years as a working professional.

What is included in the registration fee?

The cost for registration is $2500, which is due before the start of the first session. This fee includes all learning materials for the program. Light refreshments will be served.

Are there any discounts available?

There is a Referral Discount of 20% per individual if a current attendee refers someone from their company to enroll in the upcoming course.

There is a Group Discount Rate of 20% if four or more people from one organization enroll in the upcoming cohort.

Will I earn college credit?

This program is a continuing education program for professional adults. No undergraduate or graduate credits are earned. A certificate of completion will be earned by all participants who complete the series.

Is there financial aid available?

This program does not qualify for financial aid through the federal or state government, nor through Messiah University. If the cost of the program is prohibitive for you, contact bridgecenter@messiah.edu.

Can the registration fee be made in installments?

The $2500 fee is due via credit card or check before the start of the first session. Contact bridgecenter@messiah.edu to find out details on sending a check for payment.

Do I need to be a Messiah alumnus to register?

No, no affiliation with Messiah University is required for any continuing education opportunities through the Bridge Center for Continuing Education.