

Early Arrival Information

Early Arrival Information - Fall Semester

General Guidelines

In recent years, the number of students who come back early to school in the fall has reached about 800–900. While we understand students need to return for a variety of reasons (e.g., athletic teams, RAs, Welcome Week, etc.), because of the large number of students and all that needs to occur to prepare for their arrival (cleaning rooms, notifying a variety of offices, getting set up for key distribution and ID cards, etc.) it has become necessary for us to clarify our guidelines regarding early arrivals. Therefore, the following guidelines help with the process. Specific guidelines for both individuals and campus departments are listed in the following pages, along with the appropriate forms to apply for early arrival consideration.

In general, students are only approved to arrive early if they are returning for a college related reason AND have an employee sponsor.  Information about exceptions to the college related reason and expectations of an sponsor are listed in the pages to the right. 

  1. New/Transfer students are scheduled to move in August 23, 2024.
  2. Returning students are scheduled to move-in between August 25-26, 2024.

Please submit early arrivals by August 1, 2024  

Any additions to the list after August 1st may be charged a late fee of either $25 or $50, depending on the lateness of the request. Faculty/Staff can pass this charge on to the students or can pay for it out of departmental budgets.