

Student employment | Policies

Student Handbook:

. The student handbook is the main document you should become familiar with regarding your student employment at Messiah University.



Click here to submit a report online.

Click here for complete details of the University's Harassment Policy and Grievance Procedures.

As an expression of our Christian values, Messiah University is committed to creating an atmosphere of dignity and respect for all people by fostering a learning, living, and working environment free from harassment.

The University will respond promptly and firmly to reported incidents in ways that are educational and redemptive and that encourage both personal responsibility and reconciliation within the community.



In general, please process paperwork for payroll changes, additional compensation, etc. at least two (2) weeks prior the pay date for which you want to make the change. Specific deadlines may vary. . Note: this document is in Policy Central.


Payment Guidelines:

. These guidelines will help you determine which form you will need to process your payment request properly, and which office can assist you.