

Choirs and vocal ensembles

Concert Choir group photo

Concert Choir

Director,  Dr. Joy Meade
Concert Choir performs a wide variety of choral repertoire, performing on-campus, in the greater Harrisburg area, and on annual tours, both regionally and abroad.  Auditions are open to all Messiah University students, regardless of major.

Listen to the Concert Choir's most recent recordings, "" and "!"

The choir at Choral Arts Society

Choral Arts Society

Director, Dr. Joy Meade

Choral Arts Society is a collaborative ensemble, consisting both of Messiah University students and members of the local community.  This ensemble performs a major work from the choral literature each spring. Read More

Close up of a singer at the women's ensemble.

Women's Ensemble

Director, Dr. Rachel Cornacchio

Women's Ensemble is an all-female vocal ensemble, open to music majors and non-majors alike.  This choir performs a variety of repertoire, ranging from the Renaissance to the present day.  Women's Ensemble performs both on the Christmas Concert and Spring Concert.

Group photo of Men's Ensemble

Men's Ensemble

Director, Eric Dundore

Men's Ensemble is an all-male vocal ensemble. This choir rehearses once a week, and performs two concerts each school year.  Men's Ensemble is open to all majors.

Messiah University Vocal Jazz vocal ensemble

Messiah University Vocal Jazz

Messiah University Vocal Jazz is a select vocal ensemble, comprised of music majors and non-majors, that performs a variety of contemporary music.  Ranging from arrangement of jazz tunes to ballads from musicals, Messiah Unviersity Vocal Jazz combines modern singing with on-stage performance.  The ensemble performs both on campus and off campus at a variety of events.

Chamber Singers group photo

Chamber Singers

Director, Dr. Joy Meade

Chamber Singers is a small, select vocal ensemble, comprised of members of the Concert Choir.  This ensemble performs both on and off campus and studies advanced repertoire.

Two students who are a part of Opera Workshop

Opera Workshop

Dr. Damian Savarino, Music and Stage Director

Opera Workshop allows students the opera experience in an instructive and educational setting.  Students learn the art of on-stage singing, acting, movement and other aspects of opera while performing excerpts from great works in full costume.

Musical Theatre students performing a musical.

Musical Theatre

Dr. Timothy Dixon, Music Director

The musical is a full production staged every spring.  Past playbills include classic shows from the '50s and '60s along with modern productions.  The musical is open to all majors.

The choir of United Voices of Praise

United Voices of Praise


United Voices of Praise serves as Messiah University's gospel choir.  This ensemble, open to all Messiah University students, performs works from the gospel literature both on campus and in the community.

Information on Choirs and vocal ensembles