

Caps and Gowns

Cap and gown ordering and distribution

Male and female student at Commencement moving their cap tassels from right to leftOrdering your cap and gown

All graduates for this academic year (December 2023 and May or August 2024) should have received an email in November from the Registrar's Office with ordering instructions to purchase their cap, gown and tassel from Jostens, the University’s official regalia vendor, via the . 

All graduating seniors and adult degree program students must secure their Commencement regalia (i.e., cap, gown and tassel) in order to participate in the Commencement ceremony. Students must order their regalia no later than March 27, 2024 to participate in Commencement.  Additional questions about ordering regalia may be directed to the Campus Store at campusstore@messiah.edu.


  • On-campus delivery option: Regalia will be shipped to Messiah University in late-April. Graduates will receive an email notification from Slingshot Logistics to pick up their regalia at the Campus Store during regular business hours. Note: there is no shipping fee for this delivery option. 
  • Ship-to-home option: Students who prefer to have their regalia shipped directly to their home may choose to do so and should supply a valid mailing address when placing their order. Note: shipping charges will apply for this delivery option. If your address has changed, or you anticipate a change in the months ahead, please report this to the Registrar’s Office by completing the online form.
  • Upon pick-up/receipt: Make sure that your regalia fits appropriately and confirm that the tassel color is correct. Contact the Campus Store or the Registrar’s Office with problems immediately so there is time to make corrections.


Graduates' tassel colors coordinate with their degree type. Bachelor of Arts students wear a white tassel; Bachelor of Science students wear a gold tassel. All other undergraduate students wear gold. A double-major graduate will receive one tassel associated with their primary major/degree. Dual degree students have the option to order/purchase a second tassel ala carte to correspond with their additional degree.

FAQ re: cap and gown ordering

Below are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions we hear about Commencement caps and gowns:

Q: May I borrow a Messiah alum's cap and gown instead of ordering my own?

A: No, each graduate must purchase their own cap and gown from Messiah's supplier. The University is using a new supplier this year; we need all graduates to purchase a cap and gown to ensure identical and consistent appearance.  

Q: Where do I go to purchase my cap and gown?

A:  Please visit the  to place your order, no later than March 27, 2024.

Q: What color tassel do I need to purchase?

A:  Bachelor of Arts degree = White,  Bachelor of Science and all other degrees = Gold

Q: I selected the ‘Ship to Campus’ option. When will my cap and gown be ready for pick-up? How will I know when to pick them up?

A:  For students who selected the ‘Ship to Campus’ option, gowns are expected to arrive to campus in late April. You will receive an email notification from the Campus Store when your cap and gown are ready for pick up.