Medical Screening for Conditions We Do Not Want to Miss
- Date: November 16th, 2024
- Location: Messiah University at Winding Hill 401 E. Winding Hill Rd. · Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
- Time: 8:00am - 4:00pm
- Cost: $325
(10 Direct Access PRE-APPROVED Contact Hours for Pennsylvania) Description: This course is designed to provide contemporary research and clinical practice guidelines related to effectively screening patients for red 铿俛gs that warrant a physician referral. We welcome international and renowned instructor, William Boissonnault, PT, DPT, DHSc, FAAOMPT, FAPTA.
The direct access health care delivery model is marked by:
1) fewer opioid prescriptions
2) decreased need for expensive medical tests and invasive medical procedures
3) decreased health care costs
4) enhanced patient outcomes
5) enhanced patient and practitioner satisfaction
These bene铿乼s will be rendered meaningless if patient safety is compromised. While physical therapists have the responsibility to screen all patients and to refer any patient who presents with concerning examination 铿乶dings, these responsibilities are heightened when physical therapist practice is the entry point.
Data supports that patients seen via the direct access route receive care that promotes safety and enhanced outcomes.
Course Objectives: At the completion of the course participants will be able to:
- Compare and contrast physical therapists’ and physicians’ medical screening roles and responsibilities.
- Compare and contrast risk factors, and signs and symptoms for vascular/neurogenic claudication, compartment syndrome, deep vein thrombosis, ankylosing spondylitis, cauda equina syndrome, spinal malignancy, infection, abdominal aortic aneurysm, kidney stones, pulmonary emboli.
- Describe risk factors, common clinical manifestations and clinical decision-making pathways for traumatic, pathological fractures and bone stress injuries.
- Determine when medical tests, such as lab values, diagnostic imaging are indicated for selected conditions.
- Accurately interpret data from diagnostic imaging original images and reports, and apply this information to the diagnostic process for fractures and selected musculoskeletal conditions.
- Accurately: (1) identify non-musculoskeletal structures in the head, neck, shoulder girdle regions, and lower extremity, (2) utilize palpation and auscultation for abdominal screening, (3) identify characteristics typical for benign skin lesions vs malignancies, and (4) perform special tests for screening of fractures.
- Employ strategies to facilitate professional communication between therapist and physician and therapist and patient; including when, how and what to communicate as part of a patient referral.
Course Event Schedule:
November 16, 2024: On-site Session
8:00am-8:30: Session Introduction and Patient Case
8:30- 9:45: Screening for Pathological Fractures and Bone Stress Injuries 9:45-10:00: Break
10:00-10:45: Fracture Screening (Lab)
10:45-Noon: Screening for Pathological Origins of Low Back Pain Noon-1:00pm: Lunch
1:00-1:45pm: Screening for Pathological Origins of Limb Pain
1:45-2:30pm: Lab – Abdominal, Skin and Peripheral Vascular Screening 2:30-2:45pm: Break
2:45-3:45pm: Patient Cases (Small Group Activity) 3:45-4:00pm: Resources and Course Wrap Up
Date Oct 17: Zoom Session #1 (1.5 hours) Course Introduction (was recorded)
Screening for Skin Cancer Patient Cases
Date Nov 7: Zoom Session #2 (1.5 hours) Screening for Major
Depression Screening for Suicide Risk
Screening for Deep Vein Thrombosis
Screening for Pulmonary Embolus
Screening for Traumatic Fractures
Other Details: A light breakfast and afternoon snack will be provided. Detailed directions as well as a list of local options for purchasing lunch can be found here.