

4x4s - Second Wave, Week 4

4x4s - Second Wave, Week 4

  • Date: April 17th, 2025
  • Location: Various Locations
  • Time: 9:30am - 10:15am
  • Cost: Free

Descriptions for 4x4 series can be found on our Thursday morning chapel page.


Sanctuary  [Emily Bingham - Boyer 130]  *8 weeks

Collaboratory  [Matthew Wilkins - Frey 070]  *8 weeks

AROMA  [Rodrigo de Mendoza Barrera - Hitchcock Arena]  *8 weeks

On the Fence  [Emma Dougherty - Boyer 330]  *8 weeks

After College: Faith, Community, and Calling, reserved for graduating seniors  [Ashley Jones & Joy Fea - Kline 104]  *8 weeks

MAP: Restoring the Roots of our Sexual Brokenness through Beingreserved for male students  [Mike Blount - Loft Great Room]  *8 weeks

Won't You Be My (and God's) Neighbor?  [Ed Arke - Boyer 230]

Made for People  [Antonio Morton - Boyer 138]

What are Friends for?  [Stephanie Sechrist - Boyer 134]

Quiet Practices for the Loud Among Us  [Annastasia Bonczyk - Sollenberger Sports Center 165]

Journey Within: Connecting with God through Journaling  [Bonnie Jenkins - Boyer 434]  *8 weeks

The Deeply Formed Life  [Orlando Williams - Boyer 131]

The Chosen  [Ethan Kiggins - Parmer Cinema (Boyer 137)]  *8 weeks

Silent Prayer  [Douglas Curry - Hostetter Chapel 120]  *8 weeks

What Does the Bible Say about Money?  [Zachary Richardson - Boyer 235]

Practicing the Way  [Julia Wittel - Hostetter Basement 018]  *8 weeks