
Office of Academic Accessibility Murray Library (1).jpg

Office of Academic Accessibility

Office of Academic Accessibility

Providing Accommodations for Students With Disabilities

Messiah University is committed equally to the legal requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and to the moral and ethical responsibilities to treat all members of the community justly and impartially without favoritism or discrimination. The Office of Academic Accessibility works with academic offices and campus departments to facilitate the inclusion and full participation of students with disabilities.

Messiah University is dedicated to certain foundational values, including the importance of the person.


Every person is to be respected and valued, regardless of gender, race, nationality, status, ability or position, because each person is created in the image of God..


The Office of Academic Accessibility at Messiah University is proud to work regularly with more than 10% of our student population. Our goal is to help every student at Messiah thrive and grow while they pursue their academic and personal aspirations. To accomplish this, we offer support and encouragement in meaningful ways and through practical and educational programming. Our office provides academic coaching, disability accommodation advising, and exam proctoring, among other services. With a student-centered approach, we seek to help students further develop their strengths and gifts while offering timely guidance and gracious accountability. We believe that the playing field should be level for everyone, so we advocate to that end.

Amy Slody

Director of the Academic Success Center

Amy Slody

Director of the Academic Success Center

aslody@messiah.edu 717-766-2511 ext. 7258 1-800-317-9637

Murray Library 115C

Natalie Saccary

Assistant Director, Office of Academic Accessibility

Natalie Saccary

Assistant Director, Office of Academic Accessibility

nsaccary@messiah.edu 717-796-5382 1-800-317-9637

Murray Library 115B

Deana Baddorf

Coordinator of Student Care, Office of Academic Accessibility

Deana Baddorf

Coordinator of Student Care, Office of Academic Accessibility

dbaddorf@messiah.edu 717-766-2511 ext. 7260 1-800-317-9637

Murray Library 115

Denise Saunders

Test Proctor, Office of Academic Accessibility

Denise Saunders

Test Proctor, Office of Academic Accessibility

dsaunders@messiah.edu Extension 3336

Murray Library 115D

Information on Office of Academic Accessibility

Sub-categories of Office of Academic Accessibility